Friday, April 20, 2012

20 Ways To Keep Relationship Working

1. Love each other
2. Don't lie
3. Keep communication open
4. Stay sweet
5. When you get hurt just FORGIVE and FORGET
6. Never talk about BREAK-UPS
7. Never say "IT'S OKAY" WHEN IT'S NOT
8. Forget about "PRIDE"
9. If you say sorry MEAN it
10. Don't compare your past with your present
11. Don't compare your girlfriend/boyfriend with the other girls/boys
12. Don't talk about you're STUPID EX'S
13. Give and take process
14. Don't compare your girlfriend/boyfriend with your STUPID EX'S
15. Beware of his/her feelings
16. When you had a fight, don't let the day pass
17. Don't be selfish!
18. Don't compliment other girls/boys in front of your girlfriend/boyfriend
19. Don't change your gilrfriend/boyfriend to be someone else, accept her/his for the person they are.
20. Don't be the perfect one. BE THE RIGHT ONE!

20/4/2012 ; 3:55 PM


That's always seemed soooo ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking you breakfast cereals based on colour instead of taste.


There is one thing everybody want to feel.
To be loved, without begging for it. Right? 

20/4/2012 ; 2:58 PM

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What is mean In relationship ?

Being in a "In relationship" isn't about the kissing, the dates or the showing off. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can.

17/4/2012 ; 3:32 PM